Room Inside a Box

"There is no room inside a box." ~Doug Pinnick

Location: Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, United States

I started this blog as a soundboard for some much needed therapy during my separation with my wife throughout much of 2005. It was truly a blessing to get my thoughts out there through the writing process. Thankfully things have worked out between us. I would have continued to blog, but ever since I started my teaching career, I have found it impossible to do as much blogging as I would like to. So now I hope to periodically post as time and energy allow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Project Ass

My official job title (as official as this place gets) is Project Assistant. I went to the bank a few weeks ago where I was asked my job title. I told the teller, who wrote it down quickly, abbreviating it to: Project Ass. She moved on to the next question, but I found it so funny I couldn't stop laughing. She finally realized her mistake and added "istant" to the end. I was very disappointed. I told her she didn't need to change it and that the first title was probably more accurate. I learned one thing that day: bank tellers don't have a very good sense of humor.


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